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Cash is getting harder to collect. What can I do to improve my DSO?

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At Top Service we promote the use of great customer relationships to support our members’ business growth and help to improve cash flow.

For us, credit management starts right at the beginning of your customer relationship. There are a few simple steps you can take that will make big improvements:

1) Use a credit application form

This will help you to deliver a great service to your customer and will also help you to collect information that will help you if you need to carry out due diligence checks prior to deciding whether to extend credit facilities or collect money from a customer. You can also help to prevent delays in payment by understanding what your customers needs to be able to make payment.

2) Perform customer service checks

Once you have provided your goods or service to a new customer and raised the invoice – check in on them. How did they find the service you provided? Did they receive the invoice OK? Do they need to place any further orders? By carrying out these customer service checks you’re not only standing out from your competitor, you’re building great customer relationships, helping your business to grow and also going someway to get your invoice paid on time. Checking there are no queries, that the invoice has been received and that your customer has everything they need to make payment can only have a positive impact on your payment terms.

3) React to information received

Reacting to information will be key. You should be monitoring your customers so you’re aware of any changes. If you’re notified of a new CCJ, check how much is outstanding from your customer and in cases where you perhaps aren’t due to chase an invoice until the end of the month, put a phone call in now or at least start chasing a little earlier than usual.

4) Keep an eye on anomalies

is your customer later than usual making payment. Find out why, it could be as simple as an invoice has been mislaid. Or it could be something more serious that you need to act on.

Information and communication is the key to great credit control.

Our team can provide you with individual advice and support if you need it and we also have a credit control healthcheck available on our website that is free for members to use. We will review the check and provide bespoke advice to you and your business.

Contact us for more details.